Muhammed Zafar Iqbal Science Fiction Books PDF Muhammed Zafar Iqbal (মুহম্মদ জাফর ইকবাল) is a Bangladeshi author and physicist. He is also one of the founders of Bangladesh Mathematical Olympiad. He is a pioneer of science fiction writing in the Bengali language. He has written many science fiction books. He has written books on math and science also. Science Fiction Books (সায়েন্স ফিকশন) The five science fiction shamogra includes most of his science fiction works. We have added the remaining science fiction books individually below. Science Fiction Shamagra Part 1 : Kopotronic Shukh Dukkho (Bengali: কপোট্রনিক সুখ-দুঃখ) , Mohakashe Mohatrash (Bengali: মহাকাশে মহাত্রাস) , Krugo (Bengali: ক্রুগো) , Taitron Ekti Groher Nam (Bengali: টাইট্রন, একটি গ্রহের নাম) , Biggani Sofdor Alir Moha Moha Abishkar (Bengali: বিজ্ঞানী সফদর আলীর মহা মহা আবিষ্কার) , Omikronik...
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